George Monbiot kirjoittaa Guardianissa samasta aiheesta kuin mistä Pelastutaan kertoo:
”Today’s billionaires are the real citizens of nowhere. They fantasise, like the plutocrats in Ayn Rand’s terrible novel Atlas Shrugged, about further escape. Look at the “seasteading” venture funded by PayPal’s founder, Peter Thiel, that sought to build artificial islands in the middle of the ocean, whose citizens could enact a libertarian fantasy of escape from the state, its laws, regulations and taxes, and from organised labour. Scarcely a month goes by without a billionaire raising the prospect of leaving the Earth altogether, and colonising space pods or other planets.”
Tuo lainaus kuulostaa Pelastutaan -tekstiltä vähän suorasanaisempana.
Kuuntele Pelastutaan vaikka täällä.